
NewtoSteam?Createanaccount.It'sfreeandeasy.Discoverthousandsofgamestoplaywithmillionsofnewfriends.LearnmoreaboutSteam.,WhenyoucompleteSteam'sregistrationprocess,youcreateaSteamaccount(Account).YourAccountmayalsoincludebillinginformationyouprovidetoValve ...,我們擁有近3萬款遊戲,從AAA強檔大作到獨立製作,無所不包。享受獨家優惠、自動遊戲更新,以及其它的特惠。瀏覽商店.加入社群.認識新朋友、加入群組...

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New to Steam? Create an account. It's free and easy. Discover thousands of games to play with millions of new friends. Learn more about Steam.

Create Your Account

When you complete Steam's registration process, you create a Steam account (Account). Your Account may also include billing information you provide to Valve ...


我們擁有近3 萬款遊戲,從AAA 強檔大作到獨立製作,無所不包。享受獨家優惠、自動遊戲更新,以及其它的特惠。 瀏覽商店. 加入社群. 認識新朋友、加入群組、建立戰隊、 ...

Steam, The Ultimate Online Game Platform

With nearly 30,000 games from AAA to indie and everything in-between. Enjoy exclusive deals, automatic game updates, and other great perks. Browse the Store ...


Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.


Steam 行動應用程式使用者可以透過掃描QR 碼登入。 顯示QR 碼. 深入了解. 初次使用Steam? 建立帳戶. 免費又好用。發掘數千款遊戲,並和數百萬名新朋友一起遊玩。

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Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.


Your Store Your Store. Home Community Recommendations Recently Viewed Steam Curators. New & Noteworthy New & Noteworthy. Popular. Top Sellers Most Played · New ...


Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.